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Portable Appliance Testing

Be safe, be legal, be tested!


Castle offers a cost effective PAT testing service specialising in the commercial & voluntary sector.


Our qualified engineer can visit your organisation to ensure all your appliances are checked and legal.


Whether you are a Bar, Office, Hairdresser or Care Home, whatever industry, you will find our prices very competitive with the extra social benefit of helping the local community too.

UK 3 pin plug

What is PAT Testing?


Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is the systematic and comprehensive testing of electrical appliances. This could be anything from a kettle to a computer. Basically any type of electrical appliance that is powered by a three pin or three phase plug must be maintained safely.


Why do I need to have appliances PAT Tested?


The regular testing of your appliances will help you:


  • Comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

  • Comply with all Health & Safety requirements

  • Comply with Provision and User of Work Equipment

  • Comply with ISO standards

  • Meet insurance obligations

  • Significantly reduce risk of injury or fire

  • Provide you with a detailed inventory of electrical equipment



01334 654445 (Cupar)
01592 501068 (Glenrothes)


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Tom Rodgers Mill,
East Burnside,
Cupar, KY15 4DQ

Castle Furniture Project is registered as Castle Enterprise Scotland Ltd.

©2017 Castle Furniture Project | Scottish Charity No: SC022079 | Company No: SC160800 | VAT No: 984 8108 79

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