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Helping our Partners furnish accommodation for the homeless

Castle Team

Updated: 4 days ago

Due to the Pandemic, charities have seen donations largely cease due to the strict isolation rules. Unfortunately, need never dries up so we have to all pull together to provide the best service we can.

We answered a mayday call from one of our CRNS partner organisations in the North East, Stella's Voice, along with several other charities to ensure they could provide furniture for 10 temporary accommodation properties for the homeless.

Mr Morgan from Stella's Voice said: “Furniture Plus, Castle Furniture and Tayside Re-users went out of their way in working with us to help in any way they could, even though each is facing its own pressures during these challenging times. The commitment to help was inspiring.”

Click on the image to read about it in the Press and Journal.

Stella's Voice Truck with Furniture Plus Van
Stella's Voice



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Castle Furniture Project is registered as Castle Enterprise Scotland Ltd.

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